Morrisville, NC (March 31, 2022) – Cooper partnered with OneBlood’s Big Red Bus to host a blood drive at their office in Morrisville, NC. Over 30 employees, a mixture of craft and office staff, were able to donate blood. In total, OneBlood was able to collect 22 units of blood- which will end up saving roughly 66 lives in their local community.
In the future, Cooper hopes to continue hosting blood drives twice each year, one in the Spring and one in the Fall. They have another blood drive scheduled for October 20th, 2022, giving various employees a chance to donate if they were unable to attend the first one in March 2022.

Blood drives provide an additional opportunity for Cooper to live out their mission regarding service to others. Not only were Cooper employees able to serve people in their local community, but they were also able to save lives- the most important service an individual could provide.
According to the American Red Cross:
- Every 2 seconds someone in the U.S. needs blood and or platelets.
- Approximately 29,000 units of red blood cells are needed every day in the U.S.
- Nearly 5,000 units of platelets and 6.500 units of plasma are needed daily in the U.S.
You can read about the importance of blood donation and real-life testimonials here: